Our Community

Check out some of these real results and testimonials from our community of Plant Juice users across the states!

Stunning plant growth, color, and strength!

Molasses Kings delivers essential plant nutrients while feeding and strengthening the soil.

“Molasses Kings has been an instrumental part of getting Cutalong finally grown in and established and will continue to be the foundation in every application.” - Jimmy Pierson, Director of Golf Course and Grounds, Cutalong, Lake Anna

“There has been 1 gallon per acre of Molasses in every spray I’ve made since 2003.” - Curtis Tyrrell, CGCS, MG

Active soil microbiology feeds off Molasses Kings, releasing essential nutrients the “all natural” way.

“Black Desert Utah loves its Molasses Kings daily!” - Ross Laubscher, Executive Director Elevate Agronomy and Construction, Black Desert Resort, Utah

“Amidst the challenges of maintaining fine turf in a demanding environment, The Molasses Kings products have been a staple in our program at the Mid Ocean Club.” - Kenton Brunson, Director of Agronomy at Mid Ocean Club, Bermuda

Easy to use on houseplants and your home garden for beautiful results.